In our gatherings, our music, confession, and prayer are spiritually formative for us to live as whole people who communally belong as the people of God. We are formed as we sing, pray, read, and hear the preaching of Scripture together in each service. We employ a whole-Bible, whole-gospel approach in our teaching, reading, singing, and praying Scripture. We create spaces for this spiritual formation in every service which reflect the whole range of the Christian life.
Our gatherings reflect a range of Christian experience. We embrace and express joy and happiness, but confess the seriousness of our sin, mourn our grief and loss, and express gratitude for Christ’s saving work in our lives. We don’t shy away from suffering, while also remembering that there is joy in the midst of difficulty (2 Cor 2:10). As embodied Christians, we worship with our bodies; we sing, clap, raise our hands, and open our hands in postures of humility and receiving. We sit, stand, and kneel. At certain times we hear testimonies of God's grace and we pray for the sick.
Our music draws from both the ancient and the new. Some of the music you will experience will be familiar and well known, while others will be original and new. All of our music is curated to help us sing the biblical truths of God as the people of God. At times we may confess an ancient creed of the church, while at other times we may confess statements drawn from Scripture and applied to the current moment.
We take The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, at the close of each service. We believe that the Supper is an ordinance of the church, the sign and meal of the new covenant, given for those who confess Christ as Lord, who are regenerate believers in and through Jesus Christ only. Through this symbol, we remember that, for our sin and in order to bear the penalty of our sin on our behalf, Jesus gave his body and shed his blood on the cross to the point of death. We proclaim this until he comes again.
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