Wise Stewards

Our Vision

In the spring of 2010, Lakeside Baptist gifted us with our building, and what a gift it has been! It has been wonderful to see the ministries and lives that have been changed over the last fourteen years. One of the things we notice when working with church planters is the difficulty that they have to do ministry and have a gospel presence in their city when they don’t have a church building.

A church is not just a building - and at the same time the ministries and gospel presence we desire for future generations require a building.

We have a God-given responsibility to be good stewards of the building given to us which we want to continue to utilize it for ministry in years to come. Our roof is dilapidated - we have leaks every time it rains, and it needs to be replaced. Our parking lot has many potholes and needs to be resurfaced. And our air conditioning units are 20+ years old.

How can you be a part?

Join us as we raise $450,000 to continue the ministry of our church.



Meeting urgent and immediate facility needs at our church. 



Stewarding the resources God has given us so the mission at Sojourn J-Town can continue for generations to come. 



Creating welcoming and warm environments for kids, students, and adults to experience the ministries of our church. 

Giving Breakdown

What is it going to take to accomplish this goal? Whether big or small, every can play a role. The chart below details what is needed to meet these goals.

# of Givers Amount of Gift Total Funds at This Level Cumulative Total Total # of Gifts
1 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 1
5 $15,000 $75,000 $125,000 6
10 $7,500 $75,000 $200,000 16
15 $5,000 $75,000 $275,000 31
30 $2,500 $75,000 $350,000 61
30 $1,500 $45,000 $395,000 91
40 $1,000 $40,000 $435,000 131
50 $500 $25,000 $460,000 181
# of Givers Amount of Gift Cumulative Total
1 $50,000 $50,000
5 $15,000 $125,000
10 $7,500 $200,000
15 $5,000 $275,000
30 $2,500 $350,000
30 $1,500 $395,000
40 $1,000 $435,000
50 $500 $460,000

Ways to Give 

Give Online

You can set up a recurring gift to the Wise Stewards Campaign today by going to sojournjtown.com/give and select Wise Stewards from the drop-down menu. 

Give Cash or Check

Drop your cash or check gifts in the giving boxes at church or mail them to:

  • Sojourn J-Town
    ATTN: Wise Stewards
    11412 Taylorsville Rd.
    Louisville, KY 40299

Donate Stocks

You can also donate stocks, avoiding capital gains taxes and serving the church simultaneously. 

  • Find More Details Here

    If you sell appreciated stocks and then donate the proceeds you could be subject to capital gains taxes, which is approximately 20% of the value. 

    If you gift securities to Sojourn Church J-Town, please provide the following information to your financial institution:

    Receiving Firm DTC Number: 0756

    Receiving Firm Name: American Enterprise Investment Services

    Receiving Firm Account Number: 1769 7855

    Recipient/Organization Name: Sojourn Church J-Town

    Contact Name: Juliana Higgason #502-412-4050

Your Invitation

Check us out by reaching out and clicking the button!

  1. Pray: Talk with God and with those you love about your role in this campaign.
  2. Commit: Fill out a commitment card and turn that in on or by October 6.
  3. Give: Set up a recurring gift above and beyond what you normally give. 
Give Today


  • What projects will be done through this campaign and how will they be prioritized?

    The following projects are listed by priority: 

    1. Roof Replacement

    2. Kid's Wing and Auditorium HVAC Units. 

    3. Interior repairs from water damage. 

    4. Interior refresh of drywall, paint, and flooring throughout common spaces, as well as new cabinets in our kitchen and security room. 

    5. Paying off our current debt. 

  • How were these improvements selected?

    The repairs have been prioritized based on threats to ministries and the financial stability of our church. For example, our roof can be an impending threat to both our ministry and building stability. When it rains hard, we have rooms that are affected by the water, and that water damage does ongoing damage to our building. 

  • Will we take out any loans for these improvements?

    We will not be taking on debt of any sort to make these improvements. We will make these improvements as the cash comes in. Each stage has a financial threshold that will make us confident to spend those particular resources but no more. 

  • How will gifts above our target be utilized?

    There are additional projects that were not added this campaign that we will be able to take care of. For example: additional HVAC repairs, painting in our Sojourn Kid’s WIng. In addition, we will use gifts above the target to set aside capital reserves for future projects,  so that future capital expenses will not need to be made out of our general budget (or that a campaign will not be needed for these future projects.)

  • Why haven’t these issues been taken care of in the past as they happened? Why the focus now?

    Sojourn Church J-Town became its own legal and operational entity in 2021. Prior to that year, there wasn’t a philosophical emphasis on capital improvements. At the same time, our church has constantly struggled to meet our general budget and never had margin to invest in our building. 

  • Who do I need to connect with if I’m a contractor(electrician, plumber, roofer, etc.)? How can I help?

    You can call our number  (502) 251-7206 or email hello@sojournjtown.com to let us know about your ability to help with any of these projects. 

  • Were there multiple proposals received to get the numbers for the repairs needed?

    Each project received three or more quotes to adequately decide on the best contractor to use and best steward your giving. 

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